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Click here to sign up for 10% off your first order.|Free shipping for all orders to Hong Kong|Start Whatsapp live chat here
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January 21, 2015 2 min read
Everything else goes in a carry-on suitcase lined with an industrial strength garbage bag.
Why the trash bag?
Every seasoned cruiser has seen carts of bags sitting in a tropical downpour. Soaked silk dresses and ruined formal nights are totally avoidable simply by employing a 10¢ plastic bag.
Step 2: The Bag
Because you’re packing light, a soft-sided backpack works well for your carry on:
Do. Not. Check. That. Bag. Ever.
Every cruise you’ll see sad people looking longingly at the pool or in mishmash outfits at dinner because their bags have been lost by the airlines. It can take days to catch up with you—and you’ll likely make it home before you see it again.
Dressing for Dinner
By now you’ve noticed that you’re only taking two dressy outfits. You’ve actually got six because you’ve got three dramatic scarves or ties that you’ll rotate through. You’ll only have your dressy clothes on for two or three hours in the evening, and no one will notice (or care) that you’re not wearing a head-to-toe new outfit every night. The cocktail dress is for formal night(s) and men can rent a tuxedo on board.
August 13, 2024 5 min read
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