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Click here to sign up for 10% off your first order.|Free shipping for all orders to Hong Kong|Start Whatsapp live chat here
Click here to sign up for 10% off your first order.|Shipping fee for all orders to Macau - HKD 30 |Start Whatsapp live chat here
January 19, 2015 3 min read
Ever dreamed of earning a living traveling the world? Fancy exploring every corner of this magnificent planet of ours, all while putting in a solid day’s work? Whether you have a passion for music, would love to guide tours, or are considering consulting, we’ve covered the spectrum of jobs guaranteed to satisfy even the most serious case of wanderlust.
Road Crew Member
You don’t choose roadie life, roadie life chooses you. After all, it’s not everyone who wants to spent the bulk of their day in a van (tour bus when you’ve made it big) packed tight with bodies, instruments, and countless unidentifiable objects. That being said, it can be pretty awesome to be a part of something like making a show come to life every night. Light techs, sound engineers, even merch stand managers are all key to a successful act and without them, the show couldn’t go on.
August 13, 2024 5 min read
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