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December 21, 2017 3 min read
Ever gone on a group travel or vacation only to find out that someone in the group didn’t really enjoy themselves? Or maybe you took your friend’s advice on going somewhere that was “like oh my gosh it was like so totally amazing you so have to go” but to you it was just “meh”?
Don’t sweat it – it was probably because of your own individual travel personality! Use this list to help you plan your next holiday.
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The Thrillseeker
You’re someone who thrives with their adrenaline pumping. In fact, when you’re sitting down doing nothing, you’ll find yourself wondering when you’re going to get your next hit. Want the ultimate thrill-seeking experience? Maybe tryjumping out of an airplaneinNew Zealandbecause ifparachuting at 13,000 feet isn’t the ultimate adrenaline rush, not even this guide can help you.
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The Mountain Goat
When people ask you why you hike or climb so many mountains you can’t think of anything short of “Because they’re there!”. You feel like you function better at higher altitudes, and the only altitude sickness you get is when you’re not climbing a mountain. Try conqueringMount Kilimanjaro in Africa. Not only do you get to hike, but you get an awesome safari view, too. You might want to pick up thePacsafe Venturesafe X45 PLUS Anti-theft 45L multi-purpose backpack.It’s big enough to hold all your essentials but won’t get in the way. You’ll have to hire a porter anyways.
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The Julia Roberts
Ever watched “Eat Pray Love”? Feel like the office and city life is too much for you? Do you want to take a vow of silence in an ashram? Head toAshram Hari Mandir, located approximately 50 km fromNew Delhi.You’ll get to finally take that personal discovery meditative retreat you’ve always wanted, and who knows, you might just truly discover your purpose in life. They take in visitors and sometimes might allow you to stay for free in exchange for helping around the place. Bonus point: It’s the same ashram in the movie.
Related Article:6 Most Spiritual Places on Earth
The Party Animal
Tired of spending excessive amounts of money on popping bottles at the club in the city? Want to meet new people while having the time of your life? ThenKoh Phagan, Thailand might just be the right place for you! They’ve got numerous activities during the day that’ll keep your blood pumping, ready for an awesome night. When the sun goes down, everyone from all over the world gathers on the beach forfull moonorhalf moonparties. Entrance fees are usually cheap as well as drinks! You might want to pick up theVibe 150 Anti-theft cross body pack for this trip though, to keep your personal belongings safe and on you at all times.
Related Article:World’s Craziest Beach Parties
The Urban Explorer
You’re tired of the city, specifically, your city. But you don’t mind heading out and checking other places that almost always never sleep. So, why not giveHong Konga try? From its dystopian city planning, to the buzz of everyone and everything around you, this city throws you into something that surpases the level of urbanism you’d ever hope to imagine. Get yourself thePacsafe Venturesafe 25L GII Anti-theft travel pack, ideal for carrying all your gadgets so you can take photos and live-blog from a hip cafe or bar and feel like you stepped out of the “Blade Runner” movie.
Related Article:Take a Break in the City with Travelsafe
But if you’re the type who just loves to travel, why should it matter? Just pick a place, and go!
Have fun!
August 13, 2024 5 min read
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