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The Dos and Don'ts of Traveling With Family
Here’s the thing about traveling as a family unit: it can be wonderful or it can be a little bit of a nightmare – and...
Diana Bocco
Traveling and the Zika Virus: What You Need to Know
The ongoing concern about the spread of the Zika virus has made some travelers weary of heading to areas where the risk of infection is...
Ben Kerns
Cuba Travel Tips: 8 More Things to Know Before You Go
Planning a trip to Cuba? For the first time in 50 years, Americans who meet certain exceptions can now travel to the once forbidden island....
Robin Howard
How I Plan to be More Spontaneous
Planning to be more spontaneous may seem oxymoronic but I’ve been called worse. Heck, take away the “Oxy” part and that’s a name I’m more...
Michael Ryan
6 Reasons Why Travel Makes You a Happier Person
If you have some vacation time coming up, consider traveling to a new place. Of course, it’s good to use at least some of that...
Christy Woodrow
Bostwana Travel Tips
Bostwana is well-known for its game reserves and luxury safaris. More affordable than other African destinations (including Tanzania and Kenya), Bostwana also has additional things...
Shots You Need and Some You Don't When Traveling Overseas
If you are traveling overseas, there are some shots you may need and some you don’t. With mosquitos carrying everything from Yellow Fever to Malaria,...
How to Determine Your Travel Plans for 2016
A new year, a new blank page in your travel journal. Oh the places you’ll go…but wait, where? And when? And how long? There are...
Yvonne Zagermann
5 Uncomfortable Truths About Traveling
We all love to hop on a plane or in a car and set out on a new adventure. But there can be some not-so-fun...
6 Gift Ideas For the Wanderluster on Your List
We’ve all got a few friends on our holiday gift giving list that have been seriously hit with the travel bug. These folks aren’t the...
Magee Walker
7 New Year's Travel Resolutions
Hardly anyone keeps the resolutions they make every year. That’s why this year I resolve to work out less, gain at least 5 pounds. and...
The Future of Travel: 7 Trends for 2016
This is the time of year where people tend to spend a lot of time reflecting on the past (hello, “Top ___ of 2015” lists)...
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