Pacsafe® GO anti-theft crossbody pouch

Rated 4.5 out of 5
Based on 4 reviews

Color : Coastal Blue

Sunset Pink
Coastal Blue
Jet Black
Fresh Mint
C Blue
This versatile crossbody bag can convert into a travel pouch by simply removing the strap. Use it as a storage pouch for your gadgets, cables, and accessories, or switch it up into a crossbody bag for your essentials when you reach your travel destination. Our GO collection unlocks adventure and possibility with anti-theft security and effortless function.

此產品原料皆來自 消費後回收的聚酯纖維(rPET, 再生聚酯),相等於5 個回收塑料膠樽, 經過100%無PFC防潑水處理

SKU : 35125660


  • 以再生膠樽製成
  • 無PFC防潑水塗層布
  • 以聰明的防盜拉鏈及防𠝹物料,保護您的個人財物
  • 防𠝹的帶鈎扣肩帶,可固定在固定物件上,保護您的袋
  • RFIDsafe™ 屏蔽袋口能令您的信用卡和護照不被掃描

  • RFIDsafe™ 屏蔽口袋及物料
  • 安全拉鏈夾片
  • TurnNLock 安全鎖扣
  • 帶有 Dyneema®的Carrysafe®雙鋼線防𠝹帶


    容量 : 3.5 L

    高度 : 21 cm

    闊度 : 24 cm

    深度 : 1 cm

    重量 : 0.17 kgs

    Drop Height (最大—最小) : 0-63 cm

    斜孭周長 (最大—最小) : 48-160 cm


  • Recycled Polyester


  • 600D 再生滌綸布, 抗水壓 1000mm, 無PFC


  • 150D 再生滌綸布, 抗水壓 1,000mm. 無PFC


訂單一般會在1-2個工作天內從香港貨倉寄出。在一般情況下貨件會在寄出後的下一個工作天經由順豐速運送達,實際派送時間視乎收貨地點而定。 可派送到順豐智能櫃或順豐站。


如您因任何原因對產品感到不滿意,可以在購買產品起計30 天內將產品連所附標籤及包裝袋退回本公司,以便獲得全額退款或換貨。




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100% of reviewers would recommend this product to a friend
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4 Reviews
Reviewed by Elizabeth C.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
Review posted

Does what it says on the tin

Have used this bag throughout my tour of South America.

The bag is neat and unobtrusive but best of all felt and was , totally secure

Even in notorious cities such as Buenos Aires & Rio de Janeiro I felt my belongings were safe.

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Reviewed by Mary A.
Verified Reviewer
I recommend this product
Rated 4 out of 5
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Nice, but

Have a nice blue one. Just not quite big enough. Needs enuf space to include a bigger camera and a water bottle. And no, I dont want a backpack. Was fine for my cruise and tours! But not quite big enuf for everyday use. Remember, women carry all the stuff that men forget until they need it, then they expect women to have everything in their purse! 1 or 2 inches bigger height and length, but need 4 inches width.

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Reviewed by Fiona M.
Verified Buyer
I recommend this product
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functionality of the crossbody pouch

I have used other Pacsafe bags for more than 10 years, including on a round the world hostelling trip. at least one of which is now showing signs of a bit of wear and tear after its travels.

I have found the crossbody pouch very useful for protecting my main 'value' items and I will continue to use it as a day to day handbag. If I could make one design suggestion it would be the crossbody pouch could benefit from an outside zip pocket of a size to accommodate a mobile phone for easier access on the go.

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Reviewed by Paul
I recommend this product
Rated 5 out of 5
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Safest for my Spain trip

I pockets are huge. I’d like to accessories it with individual pouches Where can I find then



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