Europe's 7 Best Cities for Intergenerational Travelers

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©istockphoto/Sasa Nikolic

©istockphoto/Sasa Nikolic

If you’re thinking of traveling with your grandchildren, you wouldn’t be the first. About 44 percent of children take at least one trip a year with their grandparents, according to statistics compiled from a TripAdvisors survey. And those numbers are bound to keep growing as today’s generation of grandparents in their 50s, 60s and even 70s are more eager and able to travel than their own grandparents ever were. The greater distances between families certainly plays a role in the increasing number of intergenerational travelers. And what grandparent can’t resist the opportunity to unhook their grandchildren from their digital worlds for awhile?
Don’t forget that, in addition to passports, grandparents should carry a notarized and signed permission-to-travel document from the children’s parents. Photocopy or scan everything, and add copies of the notarized letter and everyone’s passports into your or your kids smartphone or tablet.
Today, there are a multitude of options for intergenerational vacations. Here are some European cities and key experiences that appeal to travelers of all ages.


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