6 Great Jobs for Travel Lovers

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Ever dreamed of earning a living traveling the world? Fancy exploring every corner of this magnificent planet of ours, all while putting in a solid day’s work? Whether you have a passion for music, would love to guide tours, or are considering consulting,  we’ve covered the spectrum of jobs guaranteed to satisfy even the most serious case of wanderlust.
Road Crew Member
You don’t choose roadie life, roadie life chooses you. After all, it’s not everyone who wants to spent the bulk of their day in a van (tour bus when you’ve made it big) packed tight with bodies, instruments, and countless unidentifiable objects. That being said, it can be pretty awesome to be a part of something like making a show come to life every night. Light techs, sound engineers, even merch stand managers are all key to a successful act and without them, the show couldn’t go on.



Flight Attendant
Despite what some may say, the glamor of air travel isn’t dead. Just think of how wonderful it is that we’re able to board a high-tech aircraft in one country and find ourselves across the ocean in another, all within a matter of hours! Flight attendants are privy to the inner workings of airlines and serve as key members of the crew. If you’re gregarious, able to be on your feet for extended periods of time, don’t mind a somewhat unusual schedule, and love to see new cities, becoming a flight attendant could be your perfect match.


Tour Guide
Well yes, this one is pretty obvious. But what better way to see the world than by showing other people around it? There’s always a market for tour guides, especially ones who speak several languages, are great with people, and are able to learn the ins and outs of a city like no other. Whether you opt to join a travel company or base yourself out of a single destination, you’re guaranteed a job that’s never the same two days in a row.


Love to learn and engage others in the wonders of education? A career in teaching might be in the cards for you. Plenty of countries are on the hunt for great English teachers willing to relocate which can be the perfect opportunity for someone who wants to experience something new all while imparting their wisdom along the way. There are lots of perks to teaching English as a second language (ESL) including the possibility of free room and board, the chance to get to know another culture inside and out, and, of course, the opportunity to share your knowledge on a global scale.


Wedding Photographer
An especially appealing option if you’re drawn to warm weather destinations, wedding photographers often have the enviable task of tagging along on tropical nuptial celebrations, all in the name of getting that perfect shot. If you can establish yourself as an in-demand photographer, the perks of this job are pretty great. Usually, the happy couple will pay for your airfare and accommodation during the wedding (which often will last a week) and when you’re not on duty, you’re free to do your thing. That being said, you have to actually be good at what you do and boast a pretty impressive portfolio to get hired.


If you’re really good at something, people will want your help. If you’re amazingly good at something, people will be willing to pay you for your expertise. Being a consultant isn’t necessarily easy but it can be an incredibly lucrative career. Clients can be found across the globe and establishing and maintaining strong relationships with them requires that you travel to wherever they are to ensure that everything is going as it should. The perfect choice for bright young things who want to see the world and get paid while doing it.


Kate Walker
Who is Kate Walker? She’s a freelance writer, yoga addict, and citizen of the concrete jungle. When not on the mat, Kate can be found at the dog park or on the dock in Muskoka. She is also pretty fond of running, skiing, and Settlers of Catan.


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